to St Andrew
Save These Dates
Grief, Loss & Caregivers' Support Group
Nov 6th
Dinner Church
Donations will support Faith In Action
Nov 12th
Nov 13th
Women Connecting
Contact Mary Congdon for more info.
Nov 17th
Nov 19th
Nov 24th
Sunday Morning Worship
Worship at St. Andrew is diverse, creative and progressive. Each service is unique; featuring a variety of music and weekly communion.
Worship takes place at 8:30am in the sanctuary and 10:30am outdoors, weather permitting.
Children's Church takes place during the 10:30 service each week.
Join us live or watch anytime on Facebook or on YouTube.
Coffee Hour
Join us after each Sunday service for coffee, goodies, and community.
Join the Wednesday morning Bible study group!
Invite a friend to dinner on Tuesday the 29th
Both outdoor chapel motions were approved at Sunday’s meeting—the outdoor chapel project will proceed
St. Andrew partners and friends will be receiving a letter this week to help leaders assess how we will make the open-air sanctuary project a reality—together. We’re asking you to indicate if you can extend your already generous pledge by filling out the pledge form enclosed in that letter. Will you share whether you can help? And if you can do that for one year or two additional yeas? OR…whether you are interested in giving an annual gift or a one-time gift like those already promised by some of our leadership givers?
Please consider what you are willing and able to do and return the 2024 pledge form to us by October 15th. There will be a basket in the lobby.
Many thanks for your commitment to our mission of reaching out to those who are not yet here. Thank you for inviting others into this community of people who gather for worship, learning and service; who are open to experiencing “God with us”; and who seek to grow in faith!
Pastor Lisa granted time for two mini sabbaticals in 2025.
The council voted to afford Pastor Lisa two month-long blocks of sabbatical time: May 15-June 15 and the month of August next year. Ministry at St Andrew has been full with not only the regular demands but also the extra workload associated with the Outdoor Sanctuary and Capital Appeal. The council voted unanimously in support of the proposal. St Andrew's sabbatical policy recommends a sabbatical every 4-6 years. Pastor Lisa's last sabbatical was in 2017.