What to Expect
You probably have some questions about our church. Here are a few answers about what to expect.
We worship every Sunday at 8:30 and 10:00 in the summer; every Sunday at 8:30 and 10:30 during the program year. Each worship service is diverse, creative and progressive—and each one is different.
The 8:30 service is a blended service with a wide variety of music led by Sol Music and Grace. Communion is celebrated every week.
The 10:00/10:30 service is a lively worship service led musically by Seek First and Voices of Joy. Communion is celebrated every week.
At all services, preaching is grounded in the bible but seeks to connect God’s story with our stories; to explore the intersection of Jesus’ life with our lives; and to let the bible shape our understanding of contemporary issues.
Come as you are, dressed however you wish.
After you arrive at 15 East Beach Road—just off of Route 1 at East Beach Road—you’ll find plenty of parking spaces, including some designated handicapped parking. You can enter the doors at either end of the building. The worship space itself is closest to the East Beach Road doors.
As you enter the sanctuary, a greeter should be ready to welcome you and an usher will give you a bulletin. Both will gladly answer any questions you have.
Worship is pretty casual at both services. We like to laugh, and opening announcements usually get us going! People may say hello if they don’t know you, but we won’t ask you to stand up and we won’t point you out during worship, so no worries there.
If you want to let us know you visited, you can sign our guest book in the lobby or fill out a welcome card found on the lobby table. Please introduce yourself to one of the pastors after worship. We’d love to meet you.
Although the songs and readings change from week to week, our weekly services observe the rich historical pattern of the early Christian church. We sing songs and hymns, we read from Scripture, hear a sermon, sing some more, pray for one another and those in need, celebrate Holy Communion, and go forth to serve.
Following worship, join us for coffee hour. It’s not Starbucks, but. . . there will be goodies!
Yes! From September-May children (preschool through 5th graders) gather for Children’s Church. Children will worship with the congregation until the sermon at the 10:30 service each week and then have their own time for story, crafts and singing during the remainder of the service. Our youth, (6th through 8th graders) attend our AFFIRM program at 10:30 on the first and third Sundays of each month in preparation for Confirmation.
Check the calendar for this month’s schedule.
In addition, our children take part in weekly worship and other programs throughout the year, including an annual Advent Workshop and Impromptu Christmas pageant, occasional food packing events for local food pantries, faith in action projects for low-income homeowners, Vacation Camps sponsored by the St. Andrew preschool and a variety of Summer Camps for ages three through nineteen.