Pastor's Welcome
Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here!
If you’re a lifelong Lutheran or just beginning to explore what it means to be on a journey of faith, you’ll find a place at St. Andrew. We aren’t a group of people who know-it-all, but we’re a group of imperfect people growing in our relationship with God and one another.
We do that by worshipping together. Worship takes place every Sunday morning. But it also takes place on the beach with bluegrass music or around a table sharing a meal together. We believe that whenever two or three are gathered, Jesus is there among us.
We’re a community that puts our faith in action. We roll up our sleeves and try our best to use our hands to serve our neighbors. Sometimes this is by packaging meals for local food banks, putting a new roof on a home, or by stitching a quilt for someone with cancer. We believe that we grow in faith by using our gifts to serve others.
We ask questions together. We believe that growing in faith is a lifelong process. We never reach a point where we have it all figured out. We’re a community that wonders together. We read the Bible together, pray together, and at times, struggle with tough questions together.
So please feel free to be curious. Look around the website. Ask us any questions you may have. Know that you are welcome here. We hope you’ll visit us soon.