Learn and Grow
Social Justice/Anti-Racism Book Study
Join an awesome circle of readers and thinkers whose focus is on the anti-racism work that needs to be done in order for us to truly be part of ushering in the beloved community of welcome and acceptance Jesus modeled. The group meets via Zoom.
Morning Bible Study
Morning Bible Study is a time of learning, fellowship, and prayer open to all adults. These sessions feature a variety of studies and topics to help us grow in Christian faith, hope, and love. Come to the fellowship hall at 9:30 am on Wednesday to join the conversation. Whether you’ve been coming to Bible study for years or have never tried it before, you are cordially invited and always welcome!
Women Connecting
Socialization helps improve mental health. All women are invited to join this dynamic group that basically is interested in socialization. This group meets the first Wednesday of each month at 6 pm at a participant’s home to discuss books they've read, movies they've seen, restaurants they've enjoyed and happenings in their lives. They may plan a road trip to a vineyard, lecture or play. The whole purpose of the group is to interact with other women for fellowship and friendship. Contact Mary Congdon for more details.