Open Air Sanctuary Campaign
Imagine a sacred space for worship and so much more…
- Worship on the lawn
- Weddings
- Summer camp singing
- Yoga classes
- Community association meetings
- Coffee houses
Imagine a peaceful resting place for loved ones…
- Beautiful, landscaped gardens
- A place for interring ashes
- Benches for reflection
- Stones of remembrance
- A water feature reminding us how God’s grace is like an ever-flowing stream
Imagine colorful, fragrant gardens…
- Expanded organic gardens growing vegetables and herbs for the Food Pantry
- Sensory or pollinator gardens
- An outdoor classroom for preschool children
- A space to educate children and youth about caring for the earth
Imagine meditative moments walking the labyrinth…
- Rediscover an ancient way to pray through movement and reflection
- Let the path teach you what you need to learn
- A place to meditate and find balance and peace
The campaign for St. Andrew’s open-air chapel and grounds project has begun — and you are invited to participate!
On the remaining Sundays in July, the capital appeal team will be providing sketches, plans, and images each week along with as much financial detail as we receive it from our architect and landscape designer. We’ll be hearing from partners who are passionate about the project as a whole and a particular aspect of the outdoor sanctuary.
You’ll receive a Gather. Experience. Grow giving packet with commitment form by mid- July. It will contain information to help you consider how to make a pledge over two years that fits your budget and financial plans. It will also offer suggestions as to the variety of ways you may give.
Sunday, July 30th will be “Commitment Sunday.” We will gather your pledges during the worship services and celebrate what God is doing in our midst. In addition, please plan to join us on the lawn after the second service for a picnic/BBQ to thank Intern Pastor Grace for her ministry with us this year!
The Capital Appeal Team
Allen Leadbetter, Chair, Nicole Manfredo, Elise Sinagra, Gail McCarthy, Rebecca Northup, Dana Millar, Roy Jacobsen, Kerry Gallup, Pastor Lisa Hazelwood, Wayne & Judy Hellert, and Jessica Babineau
How do we make this happen?
- Contributions to the project will breathe life into our vision for an open-air sanctuary on our grounds where we gather for worship and more each week.
- This unique sensory space will enhance our experience of God, touching many lives for years to come.
- We imagine that once the site is complete it will attract and inspire newcomers so we may all grow together in faith and find a deeper connection with God.
You have the power to shape the future at St. Andrew.
This is an extraordinary opportunity to leave a legacy that will impact the worship and faith of many generations to come.
Weekly, monthly, annual, or one-time gifts are all welcome. You may even specify if you prefer envelopes, online giving, gifts of stock or electronic withdrawals. Gifts may be given in honor or in memory of loved ones.
In the chart below, are some examples of the variety of ways you may make a pledge that fits your budget and schedule:
Now is the time to put our faith into action.
Decide on an amount which is comfortable for you. Complete and return the form in worship on Sunday, July 30th or by mail to the church office!