Becoming a Partner
We call our church members “partners” because we all act in partnership to make the St. Andrew community the best that it can be.
“So why,” you might ask, “is there a photo of a ball of yarn on this page? What could that possibly have to do with becoming a partner at St. Andrew?” Well, if you make it to one of the newcomers’ gatherings, one thing we always do is an introductory activity using a ball of yarn. It’s kind of a rite of passage around here. We each take a turn sharing a little of the story of how we came to be at St. Andrew. At the end of each turn we pass the ball of yarn, holding onto our section of yarn then throwing the ball to the next person. By the end of introductions, we have created a jumble of connections that ties all of us together in one colorful web.
That’s kind of how we view the newcomers’ process here. Becoming part of the St. Andrew community is getting connected and belonging to a diverse circle of faith. In that circle are people at different places in their faith journey, with different starting points, backgrounds and religious experiences. Most of us started somewhere else and find ourselves here now. We celebrate not only that new folks want to join in, but we look forward to the ways their passions and gifts will enhance and grow who we are as a community of faith in action.
Email Pastor Lisa if you would like to come or sign up for one of the quarterly gatherings.